IT is our choices that make us agents of good or bad in the world. Insisting that youth carefully consider whatever options they take, Psychiatrist Dr. Joanne Brathwaite-Drummond said, “The only person that you are destined to be is the one you decide to be.” “Going to school every day, when avoiding school and playing would be easier – that is a choice. Answering a parent or teacher disrespectfully or with obscene language when you feel hurt or angry – that is a choice. Making what you have enough, instead of stealing – that is a choice.

Taking the long road to achieving a goal to get away from poverty through hard work and sacrifice as opposed to take what seems to be the short and easier road, like trafficking drugs – that is a choice. Facing your fears and painful experiences instead of using drugs of abuse to escape those problems – that is also a choice. We always have choices!” she pointed out.

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